Leopard seals, named after its black-spotted coat is the second’s largest creature in seals family can grows up from 3 to 3.5 meters and weight up to 380 kg. By their looks, they may seems like the most adorably helpless, calm, tamed seals but always bear in mind that leopard seal is the top of the food chain in Antarctic. Powered by curiosity, this seal also known to hunt people eventhough they usually make penguins as their main dish. In 1985, Scottish explorer Gareth Wood was bitten twice on the leg when a leopard seal tried to drag him off the ice and into the sea, and in 2003 a leopard seal dragged snorkeling biologist Kirsty Brown underwater to her death

Leopard Seal can open their mouth twice bigger than Grizzly Bear

With its sharp razor-like front teeth used to shredding meats and ability to open its mouth twice bigger than Grizzly Bear makes them a deadly predator that you wish you would never encounter in life. This seal like to wait under the ice ledges where penguins’ favorite spot. Once the little guy jumps into the water, they will snap it but makes it more disturbing is that after it catches its prey, they will slaps the unlucky penguins across the surface of the water in order to skin it before eat it.

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