Long-Tailed Weasels or also known as Mustela frenata. There
is just about the same as other weasels, have slender body, small narrow head
and short leg.
What’s make them different from the other weasels is they have
long tail which are about the same as half the length of its body. These weasels
are carnivores and usually feed on small prey like mice and rabbit. Despite of
their tiny size, Long-Tailed Weasels are being impressed by their enormous
appetite due to their high metabolism which they need to eat at least 40% of
its body weight every day. That’s why this weasel can’t enter any of the eating
competition, because if they do, humans won’t stand for even a slightly chance.
its skullcrusher technique, Long-Tailed Weasels also got their own “war dance” with
the collaboration of its agility, they are truly the dancing killing-spree.